Thursday, January 28, 2021

Demolition Musings

Last month, a number of old houses in my area were taken down to clear land for development. Observing the destruction, I reflected on the multitude and variety of people who must have lived in these homes over the past century, filling porches with plants and flowers and minds with hopes and aspirations. Just imagine the variety of social interactions that transpired within these walls, the array of human emotions experienced, the occasional transcendent thoughts that pierced mundane moments.

All that history erased in minutes, with only a few eyes and a phone camera there to witness it. How fragile and fleeting life is! It totters just "like a drop of water on a lotus petal," writes poet Govinda Das.

Fortunately, wistful musings can be easily transformed into deep hope with the simple knowledge that nothing of real value is ever lost, including my true self. If we choose to, we can eternalize our experiences and relationships by spiritualizing them.

What a comforting thought, right?


  1. What a profund statement "nothing of real value is ever lost." Love reading your mini blogs.
