Thursday, November 25, 2021

A Bittersweet Blessing

My father and me (1985)

Sometimes it feels bittersweet being part of a large spiritual community. When we open our hearts to loving so many, we also face the prospect of experiencing that many goodbyes.

Since childhood, I have experienced anticipatory grief around the thought of losing the first generation of ISKCON devotees. I dread the imminent stream of departures of my gurus, mentors, parents and elders. Each one of you is a unique recipient of Krishna's kindness and an irreplaceable piece in the puzzle of my spiritual journey. I wouldn't be here without you.
Fortunately, we are eternal, and our relationships can be eternalized. Here is a reassuring quote: "Relations of the soul, established in relation with the Supreme Soul, are factual relations... The skin relation is the cause of material bondage, but the relation of the soul is the cause of freedom. This relation of the soul to the soul can be established by the medium of the relation with the Supersoul." (Bhagavatam 1.8.42 purport).
Separation is painful, yet an upside is that our future reunions will be that much sweeter!

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

A True Friend

Before any of my loved ones… there was You
Before all of the busy activities of this life… there was You
Before that day I arrived in this body… there was You
And when my loved ones leave… there will be You
And after my life’s activities are finished… there will be You
And on that day I leave this body… there will be You
There You always are
A true friend
Forever more