Monday, June 1, 2015

Torrential Rains of Mercy


Sadhu Sanga Retreat, North Carolina 2015

The downpour is sudden, forceful and refreshing. Somehow I find myself in the merciful monsoon of Krishna's divine names.

Surrounded by a sea of chanters with eager faces and outstretched hands, I note their joyous smiles and how they are swept up in waves of dance. They seem to attract the rains of mercy, for as their numbers increase, so too does the strength of the downpour. 

I sit here as an observer, hesitant to get wet, stubbornly clinging to the umbrella of my false ego.

But Krishna's name is so powerful that it rips away at the fibers. As nectar drops seep through, something shifts within. Hope fills my heart. How did I get so fortunate? I let go of the umbrella and reach out both hands to catch some mercy.

Everything I've ever wanted is here in Krishna's name. It saturates the dry, lonely heart with solace, shelter, unwavering friendship and love. My sojourn in this world has left me so parched and exhausted that I want to soak in this monsoon for hours, days, years...

I hope it never ends.

But torrential rains soon become a gentle drizzle as devotees gather their belongings and move on to other destinations.

I take comfort in Sacinandana Swami's concluding words: we can beg the names of Krsihna to remain with us and remove our deeprooted fears. Never again do I have to travel the rugged, desolate terrain of this material world alone, for I have discovered the best companion.

 What a relief!

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